Haile Selassie Ave, Railway city, Nairobi Kenya

Kenya Universities Performing Arts Association (KUPAA)

Welcome To Kupaa

Our Fundamental Objectives

A) Improve the standing of Kenya's performing and visual arts, music, and film industry through a commitment to developing work of the highest quality.

B) Promote music, theater, visual arts, and film through organizing programs related to education, development, liaison, competition, and adjudication.

C) Cooperate with organizations whose objective is to advance performing arts, music, and film.......

The Talents we Support

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Music is a universal language that uses tones, melodies, and rhythms to evoke emotions and create auditory experiences

Drama & Film

Drama and Film are forms of artistic expression that tell stories through live performances

Beauty Pageantry

Beauty pageantry is a competition where contestants showcase beauty, talent, and poise, often with a focus on promoting social causes

Visual Arts

Visual arts encompass various forms of artistic expression that are primarily visual in nature such as painting, sculpture, photography and mixed media

Join Kupaa and experience a journey of awesome career growth in creative and performing arts

Have an item to perform? Check out our events calendar for upcoming events

Show case your talent with KUPAA

we cooperate with and assist other regional or national bodies in developing performing arts, music, visual arts and film activities

Sample our Kupaa Events

Word from our performers

Am Julius Kyalo alias known as Kyalo Mwanafunzi. Am a student at KCA University pursuing my Degree in Journalism and Digital Media. Back in the year 2019 when I was a freshman at the University and a new member of the KCAU Drama Club I participated in KUPAA Drama Festivals which were held at Kilifi Count (Pwani University). I wanted to start my journey in comedy but it was so hard for me. I had gone for several auditions here in Kenya and was almost giving up when these festivals came I said let me try and compete with my fellow comrades from other universities. After a tough competition I emerged the winner of KUPAA 2019 Drama Festivals and through it I was given the platform to feature in Churchill Show Live recording which was to happen at Malindi (Alaska Ground) and on top of that I was given 50k by the Laugh industry team which helped me start a small business that time. After my first show the Churchill Show Team led by Director Victor Ber saw my passion and helped me improve my creativity and travelled with me in more than 10 shows all over Kenya. To me KUPAA connected me with the future and that is the creative industry world.
I emcee cooperate events and perform stand up comedy and earn my living from art.
I salute and appeal to All the Universities/ Colleges to join KUPAA Tupae Pamoja.
I’ll forever keep KUPAA in my heart because it helped me be who I am Today.
Thanks to KCA University and all other universities in KUPAA

Julius Kyalo Mwanafunzi

Our Amazing Partners

These are some of the amazing partners we work with. They have propelled our shared vision and amplified our impact
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